Why does the College need to support postgraduate students?
This fund aims to enable the most talented students to continue their studies and pursue postgraduate study. This has become unaffordable for all but the most privileged. Staying in higher education is simply not an option if students are unable to support themselves.
- Huge debt from undergraduate study leads many graduates to leave education to start full-time employment as soon as possible.
- Government loans for postgraduate study do not even cover tuition fees.*
- Drastic cuts to Research Councils have left fewer research studentships than before, and so securing funding for postgraduate study can be extremely difficult.
- This leaves it to the College to provide funding.
Without a Master's, students may not be eligible to pursue a PhD. Funding for a Master's degree can therefore define a career trajectory, or enable a career in academia, diversifying the academic cohorts of the future.
Support is easier to come by at universities in the rest of the world, especially in terms of living expenses. Many postgraduates are therefore being drawn away from the UK. Only by increasing the funding that we can offer through Studentships will a ‘brain drain’ from the UK be prevented.
The postgraduate students at Churchill College are tomorrow's innovators and leaders, conducting ground-breaking research to address global social and scientific challenges. We aim to seek out the most talented postgraduate students who, after completing their degrees, will help make a difference to the world we live in. If we are to continue attracting the finest minds in the world, we need your support to grow our Postgraduate Studentship Endowment.
"Support for Postgraduate Studentships enables talented individuals from diverse backgrounds to access advanced education and research opportunities, regardless of their financial circumstances. Without such support, many students would be unable to pursue their academic and professional goals. These Studentships foster innovation, promote equity in education, and ensure that financial barriers do not hinder the development of future leaders and experts in their fields." Mineli (G24) Read more about Mineli's story.
What difference does the Postgraduate Studentship Endowment make?
The College spent £667k on funding for Postgraduate Studentships last financial year (2023-24). Over 87% of this was funded by donations or investment income from restricted named funds.
"Churchill awarded me a Studentship that covers 90% of my MPhil tuition fees. The Studentship has been very valuable as I would not have been able to complete this MPhil in Population Health Sciences without it. It has allowed me to defer my place at medical school to pursue a deeper academic journey, focusing on public health modelling and its potential within addressing healthcare disparities." Mineli (G24) Read more about Mineli's story.
"Without a Studentship, I would not have been able to pursue a PhD degree in Cambridge. High student fees and the cost of living in the UK are challenging for most postgraduate students. However, weaker currencies make the situation especially prohibitive for those of us from low- and middle-income countries. Without financial support, pursuing a PhD would have been impossible for me, forcing me to leave academia altogether." Ana (G23) Read more about Ana's story.
Around twenty Postgraduate Studentships which include funding from the College are awarded each year thanks to its generous donors. This is in addition to the Churchill Scholars. Different Postgraduate Studentships require different amounts of funding from the College, depending on the level of input that is secured from external Trusts and Foundations. Last year, the College contributed up to £28,205 towards each of these Studentships (2023-24).
By growing the Postgraduate Studentship Endowment, the College will be able to increase the support it can offer for postgraduate study, and continue doing this long into the future. You can help the College to keep its doors open to the world’s best postgraduate students, enabling them to benefit from what Churchill has to offer, and for us to benefit from their rich range of insights and talent in return.
*Costs for postgraduate study
Cambridge University estimates the average basic living costs for a full-time student in 2025-26 will be £19,020.
For UK Home students, tuition fees for an MPhil depend on the subject but average £16,566. (For international students, this increases to £38,000.) Home tuition fees for an MPhil in Population Health Sciences, which Mineli is completing, are £14,574. The UK Government's Postgraduate Masters Loan for 2024 was only up to a maximum of £12,471.
For UK Home students, tuition fees for each year of a PhD average £10,300 and also vary by subject. (For international students, this increases to £36,000.) The UK Government's maximum Postgraduate Doctoral Loan for 2024 was £29,390, awarded as £9,698 each year for the first two years and £9,994 for the third year.